If you have been searching for a high quality bag that is also stylish and sophisticated TOM BIHN BAGS is a fantastic place to look!
Tom Bihn Bags manufacture all of their laptop bags, messenger bags, travel bags, briefcases and backpacks in their Seattle, Washington factory. (Two exceptions being products that are made for them in Montana.) They also use U.S. made fabric and components whenever possible.
One winner will be randomly chosen to receive the Small Cafe Bag that Tom Bihn Bags is generously donating. You can read all about the bag here. One of the great things about their bags are that they're appealing to both men and women.

- Go visit Tom Bihn Bags and try to pick a few favorites!
- Come back to this post and leave ONE comment listing those favorites (leave email or blog address so I can contact you if you win!)
- Giveaway open to U.S. shipping addresses only
- Winner will be announced Monday, May 19
1 – 200 of 241 Newer› Newest»I love the bag designed for knitters,sure would keep my cats away from my yarn! I also think its great to go Green by using the Utility Tote instead of all the plastic bags from the store! I also love the Molded Cork Laptop Case:The Archetype, I just love the looks of it and you can tell it has to be safe!
I really like the Medium Cafe Bag
it would be great for everyday to work with taking my lunch and other personal needs. I also really like the organizer too.
Medium cafe bag.
I like the Buzz bag
My two favorites are the Utility and the Archetype
I like the Utility Tote and also the Large Cafe bag.
Love the Super Ego and the Small Cafe Bag. My fave is the Imago in navy/crimson. Thanks!
I would love to give my daughter the archetype bag for her laptop as part of her college graduation gift because after graduating Gulf Coast on mothers day she is going on to FSU for two years
My boyfriend commutes on a motorcycle and could really use something like the Brain Bag. A bag that I would love for myself is the Large Cafe Bag.
I really love this site. The large cafe bag, Western Flyer, Super Ego and the Zephyr are bags that I love. This is a great site with fine looking things.
I love the swift bag for knitters, all my needles & yarn in one space, how cool would that be!! I also like the larger cafe bags, Great giveaway, thanks!
i like the buzz bag and the medium cafe bag
My favorites are:
The Zephyr Bag and the Small Cafe Bag.
Please include me in your drawing.
Oooh! I'm diggin' on that bag for knitters. :)
Thanks for the opportunity.
I really like the Zephyr. Stylish, sporty, and quite practical!
the brain bag is my favorite (I think LOL). I'm looking for a great bookbag to take on field trips and theme parks ... so maybe I'll be the winner!!
I like the small plum Cafe Bag. It's great how you can almost design your own bag! Lots of "man bag" choices.
I would really like the SmallerBackPack:Ruck's Sac in plum and wasabi the Subtle Colorful Bag: Small Cafe Bag in plum and wasabi. Either one of these would be great for my little girl who starts school in the fall. Thanks!
buzz bag
I love the Ristretto Messenger
and ID bags. Thank you so much!
I like the large cafe bag.
I love the utility tote and the Zephyr. Cool bags!!
My favorite is actually the Large Cafe bag, but I also like the "Ruck's Sack" backpack too.
Thanks for the giveaway!
The large cafe bag is nice
I really like the Utility tote...so practical! The Aeronaut is a very nice bag for anyone who travels much! And I like the small cafe bag that you are giving away!
I like the Archetype bag and Small Cafe Bag!
Thank you for the great giveaway!
Empire Builder ~ mainly because when I travel with my computer, I like to have all the stuff I need in one place!! and this bag will satisfy that need.
My three faves are: Utility Tote, Western Flyer, and The Aeronaut. Also like the various cafe bags and the pouches to fit in them.
karenandjeffturner (at) yahoo (dot) com
I like the cafe bags too - as do most folks here. But I could really use a Messenger bag so I have plenty of room for all my gear.
I really liked the looks of the Western Flyer and the Aeronaut.
The swift and utility totes are so cool
3beez at bellsouth dot net
The swift and utility totes are so cool
3beez at bellsouth dot net
The swift and utility totes are so cool
3beez at bellsouth dot net
I love the packing cubes and the utility totes. There are so many wonderful items on the site. It is hard to pick favorites. I love all of them.
I love both the Smart Alec and the Super Ego in Plum. They are great bags and describe me to a t.
The medium cafe bag!
swift the bag for knitters is the bag for me
What a great giveaway. I love these bags. I really love the Zephyr bag. Thanks so much and please enter me.
WOW...what a great giveaway; what a great site. This a little list of a few things I would love to accumulate from this store:
1. Large Cafe bag (above all) in olive/streal color
2. utility tote in cocoa/olive
3. Ruck sack (mainly for my son) in olive
I guess you could say that olive is my favorite color.
Zephyr for me!
i like the aeronaut,the western flyer and the super ego.
i sure could use the empire builder. I have to take my computer everywhere.
Great bags.
I love the utility tote and the knitters tote. Soo cute.
I love the utility tote and the knitters tote. Soo cute.
I really liked the Zephyr and thought the Archtype with the cork cover was really cool!
I would love to have the Buzz Bag.
yowza, cool bag!
I love the Red Astronaut Bag, very nice and need on really bad.
The utility bag in sapphire/steel -- my dog would fit perfectly!
Hello! I like the Cafe bags the best but also the Ristretto Messenger and the Smart Alec. Great contest!
jandh at myfamilylovesit.com
The Cafe bags and the Passport Pouch are my favorites.
All are wonderful, but the medium cafe bag would be so useful. Best of all I like the fact they are made in USA! blackford56@yahoo.com
There are so many great bags, 3 of my favorutes are The Western Flyer, Ruck's Sac & Empire Builder.
Love the bags. you know I am a minimalist and only enter when there is something I would really love to have for my family but I come by about every day. I just wanted to let you know that I have the day I met the Park Ranger story up!
The Park Wife
Empire Builder is the one for me! It's the perfect bag for a road warrior and the fact that all the users rave about it as a laptop bag has me sold!
I like The Archetype.
I love the cafe bags
i love the utility tote
I like thee Ristretto Messenger , Medium Cafe Bag , Small Cafe Bag, and the Codura Organizer Pouches
I love all of the backpacks...my favorite-Smart Alec :)
The utility bag would be great for shopping. Thanks for the chance to win.
I must say, the Utility Tote is my favorite. I could see myself getting LOTS of use out of that.
My son just got a great job out of college. The Empire Bag would be a great gift for him.
I love the small cafe bag, the imago, the super ego, and the ID, in no particular order
plug in my votes for the imago and the ristretto messengers
i use all sizes an types or style of bags an have no real favorites
medium cafe bag and the shoulder bag also the messenger bag
Utility Tote, and the Small Cafe Bag.
I really like the Buzz sling bag for my laptop, and I also like the small cafe bag that you have featured. thanks for the contest!
plug in my vote for the imago and/or the ristretto
I like the Utility Tote in Cocoa/olive..actually any of the colors I like. I like the Western Flyer in Red. The Aeronaut ..any color and packing cubes.
I am a bag freak, and there are so many nice ones here! My favorites are the Green Ruck's Sac, the green Ristretto Messenger and the Large Cafe Bag.
I like the buzz bag - especially the name BUZZ BAG!
There are a lot of great ones in the travel category like the Aeronaut, the Swift, and the Snake Charmer. Great site! Thanks for the contest!
I love the utility tote! I can think of a gazillion uses for it! Thanks!!
My favorite is the Western Flyer. I have to travel for work, and this looks like an awesome bag for frequent travelers.
I like the "Ruck's Sack" backpack ,but all of them are nice an I would love any of them,please count me in too,thanks
I like the Yarn Stuff Sack and the Passport Pouch.
The AERONAUT looks great!!!
I like the zephyr
Zephyr bag & small cafe bag!
Hope to win!
The Aeronaut is AMAZING.
Small Cafe Bag, Brain Bag & Buzz Bag
The more I look the more I like: I love the cafe bag (any size), the imago bag and I thought the passport pouch was very clever. I might actually have to get that one for when we travel as we need to carry 5 passports around. Thanks for the great giveaway!
Love the Zephyr.
I love the Aeronaut, it's definately my favorite. I also like the Ruck's Sac backpack.
shockingly enough my fave is the cafe bag! i love the black and green
I like the Ruck's bag. I bet it would make a great diaper bag!!
I like the ID bag and the Zephyr!
I didn't know I needed them until I saw them = the horizontal and vertical freudian slips. Also would get a lot of use out of that cute utility bag.
Great giveaway. I love their Buzz bag!
I like the Buzz backpack in Black/Steel/Crimson!!
mnlefty at gmail dot com
I love messenger style bags so I chose the Ristretto Messenger.
I would love to get the Zephyr bag in black and grey for my hubby someday---thanks!
This was not an easy task! I love backpacks, messenger bags, etc.!
These are three of my most favorite ones: "Buzz", "Imago" and "Rucks Sack!" Please enter me in your wonderful drawing. Many thanks,Cindi
My favorite is the Utility tote.
I love tote bags as it is.
This one looks like it would hold alot.
But i think it is great these bags are made in USA not much is made here anymore.
Hermanthompson at yahoo dot com
The medium cafe bag please!!! Thank you :)
As a chronic student, I am always on the lookout for new and better bags, and there are many fine examples which I am now longing for on this site. However, the item which sticks out is the vertical brain cell, the laptop case which is designed to hold my computer and fit in my backpack. I do not currently carry my computer to school because I do not feel that I can sufficiently protect it, but that would set my mind at ease.
By the way, having won one contest, am I still eligible to win others?
I like so many of them. But my favorites are Swift, Utility tote and Western Flyer.
archetype bag, brain bag and large cafe tote
These are my favs:
Guardian Dual Function Light
Ruck's Sac
Padded Organizer Pouches
I like the small cafe bag and the organizers.
I really have a hard time deciding between the ID and the large cafe bag. Both look wonderful, unique and would make my co-workers very jealous!
The archetype laptop case is one of my favs. Please count me in. Thanks!
I really like the utility tote--the zippered compartment on the inside is such a plus. The colors are great--and its MADE IN AMERICA---I'm always looking to find something NOT made in China!
I like the utility tote which would be handy for my daughter hauling her toys around when we go out.
I love the interior light for a bag light. Totally cute!
This is a cute quick trip kind of bag for my little ones.
I LOVE the names of the bags!!!
I really like the Horizontal Brain Cell, the Empire Builder, and the ID. All the bags look great! Thanks for the giveaway.
I love The Super Ego in Black/Crimson/Steel w/Reflective Strip!
Thanks :)
The small cafe bag is my favorite!
the buzz
That cafe bag is so cute...
and this one..
is so very unique ( I'm lovin it)
and this one..
is just what we need as Mac devotees.
I like the Brain Cell.
Cafe bags are great looking
Medium Cafe Bag is my favorite on the site, thanks for the contest!
my favorite would be the medium cafe bag in plum/wasabi
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
I love the Utility bag!
I LOVE the packing cubes, the convertible maximum carry on bag, and the Super Ego!
My laptop would fit rather nicely in the Empire Builder. I also love the Archetype molded cork laptop case. Sure are quality cases and afford many uses.
great prizes
The utility tote is really cute. I also like the horizontal brain cell for my laptop. Thanks!
I like the ID bag. It is perfect for carrying around my laptop!
Love the Zephyr with all the compartments!
I really like the Zephyr. It's large enough to carry all of my stuff, yet it's small enough to lug around with me.
Medium cafe bag or the Buzz bag.
I could use a small cafe bag. I really like the Zephyr bag and the Western Flyer bag.
I really like the Molded Cork Laptop Case: The Archetype. That's really clever!
My favorites are:
The Zephyr Bag and the Small Cafe Bag.
OrdinaryEverydayAdventures:Utility Tote & the Small Cafe Bag
Thanks for entering me in this generous giveaway! I love the HardSidedProtection:Horizontal Brain Cell and the TOM BIHN SmallCafe Bag in Olive/Cayenne. Sharon D.
I too share your same passion for supporting products that are made in the grand old USA! I believe it is so important not only for our economy, but to help our neighbors, family, friends and acquaintances stay happily employed! Okay, down to business, my favorite Tom Bihn Bags are The Archetype because I have an apple laptop and this bag is so cool and unique looking with the molded cork! I also was very drawn to the Ego Messenger Bag because it is large enough to fit a lot of "stuff" but small enough to fit my small frame. I would love to try out the Small Cafe Bag because this is one I can use on a daily basis! It is perfect for my petite size. Thank you for offering such a fine giveaway and introducing use to Tom Bihn!
The Utility Tote is my favorite. I also like the Medium Cafe Bag.
I like the Horizontal Brain Cell.
egreca [at] hotmail [dot] com
I love the Utility tote and the Swift knitter's bag!
I love the ID!
dansan826 at yahoo.com
Thanks extra for this contest because I didn't know about these bags. They are awesome! I love the Swift, Passport Pouch, Imago, and The Cafe Bags. The Guardian Dual Function Light and Key strap are must haves!!
I love the Smart Alec bag. It's simple, not too big, but is sure to keep me super organized!
I like the Cafe Bags, the Buzz, and the Horizontal Freudian Slip. Great ideas! Tons of awesome bags on this site!!!
The Ego
I love the cork style laptop bag and the ego bag is great!
The BigProfessionalDaypack:Brain Bag
$140.00 looks interesting
laptop bag
My favorites are the Large Cafe Bag and Utility Tote :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!
I believe I like every bag at that site! I especially like the Western Flyer, The Zephyr, Buzz and ID bags.
love the buzz bag
My favorites are the large cafe bag and the utility tote.
I love the Buzz and the aeronaut! Very cool items on this site, I will definitely keep it in mind for Father's Day!
Your site is really gaining in popularity! Go Patriot!
Medium cafe bag
I definately a backpack of this quality when I'm riding my bike.
My favorites include the Brain Bag, The Buzz, and Smart Alec.
I love the smart alec and the zephrye.
Love the Empire Builder.
Luv the large cafe bag.
I really like the Large Cafe bag. In olive/wasabi or black/wasabi
The utility bag looks great
I love the ID messenger bag the Super Ego, but they're all fantastic! Thanks for the contest!
Small Cafe Bag
I'm not sure how you could go wrong with the Aeronaut. I love that they all come in so many colors!
I love the midsize messenger bag and the brain cell to go inside of it. Well designed items at the site!
I really like the Utility Tote!
I love the Utility Tote...so simple and convenient.
What great bags. I love the Ruck's Sac, the Aeronaut and what mother couldn't use the Utility Tote?!
I love the ID laptop bag
I like the Convertible Maximum Carry-On Bag.
The wife loves the large Cafe bag
I love a lot of the shoulder bags and I actually ordered some of the strapeez - to keep cords neat.
I like the large cafe bag.
Thanks for the contest!
Love the utility tote and small cafe bag
wckyw at aim dot com
I like the Small Cafe Bag
in red and gray, Zephyr in gray and yellow and the Aeronaut in red.
love the medium cafe bag, also the laptog bag!
I love the Buzz
I love the Super Ego bag, love that red color. I also like the Aeronaut bag.
I like the Convertible Maximum Carry-On Bag and the convertible Packing Cube and the Small Messenger Bag
Maximum convertible carry all
I love the medium size cafe bag
Ristretto Messenger
I like the Buzz Bag.
I like the brain bag, a nice backpack.
I like the Utility tote. Just what I need.
WOW~Lots of great bags to choose from but I think I liked the TOM BIHN Large Cafe Bag in Cocoa/Steel. Thanks for the giveaway!
I like the Imago bag in cocoa/wasabi!
Thanks for sharing this site! Very cool!
I like the Horizontal Brain Cell
bag, any color will do. Actually any laptop bag would do. I am in desperate need of one and I won't be picky!
I like the Ristretto Messenger and the the whole line of Cafe bags.
I like the Utility Totes most, and the color combos are very nice. The Laptop bags are nice as well; mine is a beat-up old one with not much room, so something bright, durable and roomier would be welcome.
Never have been a fan of Freud but that Super Ego bag is best for me.
I love the Aeronaut. What a great travel bag!
the Large Cafe bag AND the zephyr
What a cool brand! Thanks for introducing it to me :) I really like the shoulder bags that Tom Bihn makes-- especially the Cafe Bag series. I love love love the variety of colors and the design.
The Aeronaut and the Zephyr
The Ego and The Id are my favorites, I think. I always have to take everything and then some when I go out and about with my kids, or anywhere. I like to be prepared for anything that I might need, and so having extra carrying space available for whatever I carry, my makeup, my camera (I have kids, I /have/ to have my camera!) extra batteries, books and toys for the kids...You get the picture, I am sure. :)
I really like the The Zephyr Briefcase in Black/Crimson/Steel
Wow...Great site! Happy to have found it! LOVE, Made in the USA!! I like So many of the bags but I think the Small Cafe bag is my favorite! ....any size cafe bag really....
I love both the ID Messenger Bag and the Ruck's Sac Backpack. I would love to own either one. I may go back to college soon and they would both be great to carry books around in. This is a great giveaway and I really hope I win. Thanks.
Empire Builder and Western Flyer are the ones I really like although all of these bags look sharp and could be very helpful.
Thank you.
i really love the archetype, and the TOM BIHN Laptop bag in wasabi~
the buzz bag is really great, along with the Ruck's Sac Backpack
I really like the Zephyr Bag
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