Western Silver has been an online retailer of silver products for over fifteen years! Not everything they sell is made in the U.S., however much of their Christmas ornaments, sterling silver flatware, and baby products are.
Western Silver is generously giving one Made in the USA reader one of their beautiful Western Silver Snowflake ornaments that's made in the USA!!

- Go visit Western Silver and pick out your favorite Made in the USA product
- Come back here and leave a comment listing that favorite.
- Please make sure I have a means to contact you if you win!
- Only open to U.S. shipping addresses; One entry per person
- I will draw one winner on Sunday evening, November 16.

I love the Western Silver
3 Dimensional
Star of Wonder. So beautiful. All the items are gorgeous. Thanks for the chance to win.
Western Silver
3 Dimensional
Star of Bethlehem ..beautiful ! thnx for the wonderful giveaway !!
Let's go with the Western Snowflake.
I like the Santa's Express train car.
The snowflakes are my favorite!
Western Silver
1st Edition
3 Dimensional
Santa's Express
I actually collect bells as it is part of our family heritage. So I love the western silver bell, but also this sleigh bell. Would be a wonderful addition to a building our family tradition. Thank you.
The 3 Dimensional Santa's Express is my favorite item!
Santa's Express is just beautiful.
How wonderful! I love Star of Wonder, but each beautiful item would be appreciated in my home! blackford56@yahoo.com
The Grande Baroque Candle Sticks by Wallace are really nice.
I like the santa's sleigh.
Greetings! I adore the "Lenox Coffee Pot Ornament-Williamsburg Style." Please enter em in your drawing. Many thanks.....Cindi
3D Star of Wonder
Lauren Gregory
Thanks, I bookmarked them!
The snowflakes are my favorites.
The Santa's Express is sooo detailed and cute!
greenyak [at] yahoo [dot] com
I love the snowflakes and the sleigh. SO hard to choose.
I love the Jack in the Box and Santa's Express. The detail is wonderful.
My wife loves the western silver bell.
Santa's Express is my favorite.
Thank you for the giveaway.
I love the Western Christmas Bell!
The Star of Bethlehem is my favorite product!
silver sleigh bell ornament is cute
I love the Western Snowflake!
Thank you so much for the generous giveaway and please enter me!
My favorite is the Santa's Express ornament.
Santa's Express train car
Santa Express Train Car is wonderful.
Western Snowflake.
Everything was beautiful, but I'm a fan of snowflakes, so I would have to say the 3rd edition was my favorite!
3d star of wonder is beautiful
I love the western snowflake ornaments...beautiful!
I love the snowflake as I love to watch it snow and this is a beautiful ornament as all of them are.
My favorite is Western Silver's Star of Wonder. Thanks for the chance to win Western Silver's Sleigh Bell.
Love the 2nd edition snowflake ornament!!
I really like the Western Snowflake. Thanks for the giveaway!
jwright (at) iowatelecom (dot) net
My favorite item is the Western Silver 1st Edition Snowflake. Thank you.
I love the Jack in the box
Western Silver 1st Edition Snowflake
Your Star of Wonder is gorgeous!! What beautiful items you have. Thanks so much for a chance to win one!!!
western snowflake
I love the First Edition Snowflake!
Winter Sparkle
Snowflake ornament
is my favorite.
I like the Santa's express. My daughter would love that. One of her favorite holiday books is the Polar Express.
I like the Star of Wonder
I like the Star of Wonder
Santa's Express is my favorite because we take the auto train from Florida to visit relatives up north.
My favorite is actually the sleigh bell. It reminds me of Polar Express.
Hi oh Silver away
Star of Wonder is my choice
Thank you for having this. I really like the Candy Cane. very cute. Thank you!
Western Silver
3rd Edition Snowflake
The silver cross is beautiful.
Thanks for the chance at the giveaway.
tskrush (at) cox (dot) net
i like the western snowflake.
I like the 1st Edition 3 Dimensional Santa's Express Ornament.
The 1st, 2nd or 3rd edition snowflake ornaments. I love them all so couldn't pick just one.
The snowflake ornaments are absolutly beautiful. superb craftsmanship
I also love the Star of Wonder.
hockiemack at hotmail.com
My word how can I ever chose just one I love.. I loved the Western Star and then I saw the Western Snowflake but then I fell in love with the Santa Express. My boys love trains so I guess that would have to be my choice if I had to chose just one.. Thanks for the chance to win one of their beautiful ornaments.
I love the Western Silver 3rd Edition Snowflake--beautiful.
How beautiful- I adore silver ornaments. The Star of Wonder is one of my favorites. Thanks!!
I love the Jack in the Box. So cute!
My favorite are the Snowflake ornaments.
I love the western snowflake. Please count me in. Thanks!!
I like the 3D Christmas Bell.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I love the snowflakes, too!
By the way, Wednesday is Link Day on my blog so come by and add this or any post you'd like!
Hi oh Silver away
I like them all but my favorite is the Santa Express. I like your blog.
I love the star of Bethlaham thanks
The ornaments are beautiful. I will also be checking out their products on their site. Thank you.
My favorite Item is the Santa Express
They're all so beautiful! I love the Western Snowflake. Thank you!
Santa Express is my favorite.
I really like the Noel Jack In The Box.
i like the Silver Snowflake
I love the star of wonder.
It's a beautiful design.
1bmore @ gmail . com
They're all beautiful. I love the snowflakes and the silver cross
The Western Snowflake is breathtaking!
kaytewatts(at) aol DOT com
it's a close tie for my favorite between the sleigh bell and the snowflakes! Very beautiful stuff! thanks
My favorite is Santa's Express.
i love the 3D Star of Bethlehem
Western Silver
1st Edition Snowflake
1st in a series
The snowflakes are my favorite
Such detail! The 3 Dimensional Star of Wonder is my favorite Western Silver item. Please enter me in the contest. Thank you!
I love the Western Silver Bell- thanks for the chance to win!
oreo89 [at] gmail [dot] com
I love the Western Silver 1st Edition 3 Dimensional Santa's Sleigh because it is absolutely beautiful and has so much detail!
I like The Santa's Express. Thanks for the chance to win.
The Star of Wonder is gorgeous, but also love the simple beauty of the Western Silver Cross.
I really like the Star of Bethlehem.
Very nice ornaments.
I love the Sleigh Bell!
My favorite is the Western Snowflake!!
We're starting a revolution to make a difference, want to join us?
Follow The Cause at http://www.followthecause.blogspot.com.
love the Western Silver 3 Dimensional Star of Wonder - would make any Christmas tree special. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com
I love the snow flake one it is beautiful and would make a Christmas tree that much more beautiful
I like the Star of Wonder
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
The Star of Wonder would be my choice. Actually I would like one of each. wonderful workmanship!
I like the candy cane.
I like the Towle Reindeer Hurricane Candle Holder
I love the Crystal Snowflake ornament!
Very nice collection of ornaments!
lisalmg (at) ktis (dot) net
the western snowflake is adorable. i love it.
The jack in the box looks interesting.
They are al uniquely beautiful. I found the Western Silver
1st Edition
3 Dimensional
Santa's Sleigh to be stuning. I would be so proud to have any of these lovely pieces
Hard to pick just one favorite. I guess it would be the 1st Edition 3-Dimensional Christmas Santa
I adore the Santa's Express train car!
The star of wonder is so pretty!
I love the Star of Bethlehem ornament. Oh, its just beautiful.
The Santa's express is so pretty.
The Star of Wonder is my favorite.
The snowflakes are my favorite.
The Western Silver Christmas Bell is my favorite. garrettsambo@aol.com
I like the Western Silver Bell.
i love the Santa's Express
The Noel Jack In The Box is adorable. Thanks for the chance to win.
the silver cross is awesome
love the Western Silver
3 Dimensional
The snowflakes are my favorite
the silver cross is nice!
The Santa's express is so pretty.
I love the Noel Jack in a Box!
Western Snowflake
I absolutely love the 3 Dimensional Santa's Express! Thanks!
I absolutely love the Santa Express! Beautifully detailed! please put my name in for the drawing. Thanks for the beautiful giveaway. I hope I win!
The Western Silver
3 Dimensional
Star of Wonder is really a beautiful piece. Thank you so much for this wonderful giveaway!
I really like the Candy Cane ;)
:) Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! :)
The Santa's Express is my favorite
I really like the silver christmas bell with its classic shape, its beautiful
I think Santas Express is really nice!
My favorite is the Gold 3D Christmas Bell.
I really like the santa's express.
The 3 Dimensional Santa's Express
i like the 3-d star of wonder
My favorite is the Reed and Barton
Holly Bell 2008.
Thank you,
I like the candy cane - first in the series - thanks for this chance.
I think the Lenox Snow Majesty Snowflake is really beautiful.
Thank you,
I like the "Star of Bethlehem" ornament.
Great website. I'm glad that you are doing the giveaways again.
You inspired me. I am also doing weekly giveaways of American made products at whybuymadeinusa.com
3D Star of Wonder
I love the Star of Bethlehem and Santa's Express. The detail is amazing.
western snowflake, 1st edition, thanks
The star of Bethlehem is so beautiful!ashlyn@chuparkoff.com
The star of wonder is beautiful! I like Santa's express too! Great stuff!
I love the Lenox Snow Majesty Snowflake!
I love the Reed and Barton Holly Bell
Simple and lovely.
I really love the Jack in the Box. It is very sweet.
I like the cross.
Classic Lily Line
I like the sleigh bell best.
I love the santa's express, their stuff is so beautiful!
barbmccrea at hotmail.com
My favorite is Santa's Express!
My favorite is the first edition candy cane!
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