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Hello! My goal is to create a convenient way to find American made goods of all sorts. I host a new giveaway nearly every week, and I add new links every day! *I do not get paid for any of this. I just want to show Americans how easy (and important) it is to support companies who are manufacturing high quality goods right here in the USA and hiring American workers! Buy American!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Beka Inc. - Giveaway!!!

BEKA, Inc. is a specialty manufacturer, producing high quality wood products for over thirty years in St. Paul, Minnesota.

They create beautiful toys as well as art supplies, puppet theaters, toy carts, tables, block sets, and the list goes on!

Beka Inc. is very generously giving away their Little Builder Whimsie Block Set!! In order to enter:
- Go visit Beka Inc. and pick a favorite product!!
- Come back here and leave a comment listing that favorite
- One entry per person, and must have a U.S. shipping address
- Winner drawn December 19!


DMarti2620 said...

Deluxe Easel with chalkboard, marker board, wood trays and cutter is my favorite!

Stephen Saunders said...

Deluxe Easel with chalkboard

jlmk said...

I was going to say I loved the Deluxe Easel, but then I see that's a popular answer! So, the beginners loom is also a neat gift idea for kids!

Stephanie said...

Easel Maze Game -- very cool!
tvollowitz at aol dot com

windycindy said...

The beginner's loom looks like fun! Please enter me in your little builder whimsie block set drawing.
Our two sons love building. Many thanks, Cindi

Anonymous said...

I love the Art Table. The puppet show is also cool.

Anonymous said...

The deluxe block wagon is my pick, so you can move all the blocks from 1 room to another.

Belinda said...

I like the Easel Maze Game.
I haven't seen anything like that before.
1bmore @ gmail . com

peg42 said...

I love the Club House Theater. Thanks so much for this giveaway.

Unknown said...

I have to choose Special Shapes Collection.

Jenn S. said...

The Adjustable Easel is really nice.

clynsg said...

The storage cart--need someplace to keep all those blocks!


Kent said...

Deluxe Easel with the chalkboard is my favorite.,

Steph said...

My favorite is the Little Builder 100 piece Block Set.

tracey73110 said...

i like the easel. thanks for the chance and merry christmas. miketra@sbcglobal.net

kdkdkd said...

the Deluxe Easel, perfect for all the art projects.

tatertot374 said...

I also like the Weaving Frame. Thank you

mogrill said...

Love the adjustable easel!!

mverno said...

the weaving frame

janetfaye said...

I like the Club House Theater.

Thank you!

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

I love the block sets. I like the 24 pc. special shapes block set!
Thanks! Buy American!!!


phxbne said...

Love the Art Table

Anonymous said...

The special shapes are wonderful!

Anonymous said...

I like the Weaving Frame.
pkildow at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

As a basket weaver the Weaving Frame would be my pick! Thanks! senekers@comcast.net

Unknown said...

I like the Horse Stable.

jenny said...

wow please enter me in for this and well i think every thing thay got is realy neet and well that puppet stage boox is realy neet thanks

AmandaK said...

I just think the Club House Theater is really cool!


HilLesha O'Nan said...

I love the Deluxe Easel.

lilacbutterfly [at] earthlink.net

ky2here said...

We'd like the Beginner's Loom.

threesidesofcrazy said...

I love the puppet show stand!! My nephews would sooooooo love these blocks.

Anonymous said...

I like the club house theater.

Cindy said...

I like the Construction Zone.

Jennifer Wilson said...

The RH-10 beginner's loom is fantastic!

toughturtles said...

Easel Maze Game

Linda said...

I really like the Adjustable Art Easel

sweetsue said...

The Adjustable Easel looks nice and sturdy!
smchester at gmail dot com

jennem said...

I like the Loom, SG-Series.
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com

Hetal said...

I like all the puppet theaters, esp. the cozy one.


littlelatina said...

I like the special shapes

Anonymous said...

I like the art easels best.

Anonymous said...

I like the adjustable easel.

justicecw said...

I like the table top paper holder. Thanks, justicecw@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

My favorite is the easel maze game.

Cheryl F said...

I like the Art Table with the paper roll holder.

Jen said...

They have a lot of great products. I love all of hte puppet theaters. My favorite is the Club House Theater.

footejennifer at hotmail.com

Marie said...

My kids would love the Easel Maze Game!


Mia J. said...

I think that the storefront puppet theater looks great.

SeahorseLady said...

I would like to win these great blocks for my Godson.
I also like their Table-Top Paper Holder with Cutter.
Thanks for the nice giveaway.

silverbele said...

The block set would be great for my grandson

silverbele said...

The block set would be great for my grandson

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

like the Easel Maze Game

DEBIJOT said...

Love the Deluxe Easel

ssmina said...

easel thanks

Twincere said...

I like the RH-10 Rigid Heddle Weaving Loom

kathy55439 said...

Cozy Theater would be lots of fun for the boys....

Renee G said...

I love the horse stable.


Jennifer R said...

I would love the trundle cart for my boys to store toys under their beds.

Anonymous said...

The easel maze game looks like it would be fun for all of us.

Jinxy and Me said...

The Little Builder 100 piece Block Set looks great. All of their toys are top notch.

Kari said...

Love the deluxe easel with chalkboard for my son!!

Kari said...

Im also a subscriber!!

Sharon said...

Construction Zone looks wonderful!

arvard said...

I like the Deluxe Easel with chalkboard.

Anonymous said...

I like the Art Table - perfect for crafts!


Sandy S said...

I like the Easel Maze game. It looked like fun. My kids wold love the block set. Thanks!
skstigger (at) hotmail.com

Mom said...

I love the Construction Zone, so cute. Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

I love Carhart. I received my first coat for Christmas 6 years ago. Best for the barn.

Kaydence said...

My pick is Deluxe Easel with chalkboard :)


klp1965 said...

i love the Easel Maze Game
Easel Maze Game

Maja said...

deluxe easel with chalkboard

Valancia said...

I like the Organic long sleeve crew tee. Im for anything eco-friendly .. we only have One Earth. skyxsky27(at)gmail.com

Anonymous said...

They have some great stuff! I really like the Construction Zone. Thank you so much for the great contest.


MySentimentExactLee said...

The adjustable easel would be great!

leechrista @ gmail dot com

cman said...

Art Table :)

masonsgranny59 said...

I heart the Deluxe Easel with the chalkboard !

Sherry R said...

My favorite is the Club House Theater!

jnkrim (at) qwestoffice (dot) net

Tammy said...

Deluxe Easel is my favorite.

chazvgo said...

I like the Art Table, we need one of these :)

Helen said...

I love the Beginner's Loom.

Donna said...

I like the knitter's box.

lilyk said...

I love the RH-10 Beginner's Loom!

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit . . .

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit . . .
"Posterity - you will never know how much it cost my generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it." John Quincy Adams

