Wiggy's has the only sleeping bag factory in the USA. These top of the line bags are produced using Lamilite, and each bag is backed by a lifetime guarantee. The Alaska National Guard, as part of their survival gear, uses the Ultima Thule, and in 1994 the U.S. Navy authorized an Ultima Thule, vacuum packed, as the official survival bag carried by aircraft and ships. In addition, they determined that it actually performed at -35° F. Pretty amazing!

Here are the rules:
- Head over to Wiggy's site and look through their products
- Leave a comment back at this post, listing your favorite product
- No duplicate comments, please!
- Spread the word!! Mention this giveaway on your blog and tell others!
- You do not have to have a blog, just make sure you leave a valid email address so you can be contacted when you win!
My favorite is the Nomad,product #: 1.16.1
Looks like an awesome knife!
Email address: heather_roach@comcast.net
Lamilite Boots- My hubby loves these things. And the price they have them for is cheaper than the last time we bought them, from someone else.
Email: bams0803 at yahoo dot com
What a great blog. Thanks for plugging American products. Wiggy's reminds me of another American company, Wigwam Mills. They make awesome hats and socks. Also useful for staying warm while camping. :)
Thank you for coming by my site. That site for Wiggy's is great!! I found a 50" oval pet bed that I like and it doesn't cost that much either. Its great that you are having these contests and are pushing American made products. Its so hard to find things made here in the USA anymore. Have fun with the contest!!
This is a great company. I must send my father the link to this website. I like the booties. What a great way to keep your feet warm. I think I would wear these around the house.
I also had a little giggle over the fishnet body suit. I understand the principle behind the suit but it still gave me the giggles to see it.
just wanted to let you know that I blogged about this giveaway.
I love the desert one, after all I live in Texas where we don't EVER see anything below 20 degrees! What a generous offer, thanks Wiggy's! I will have a post up tomorrow (tuesday)
I'd love one of their stainless steel water bottles! :) They really do have great products though! I posted about your contest here: http://jonathanandandrea.blogspot.com/2007/09/countless-contests.html
I like the L-6 Insulated Pullover
bebemiqui82 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I've never been hunting and don't spend a lot of time camping anymore unfortunately. However, I nice knife does come in handy when opening hay bales in a hurry.
I like this product:
Product #: 1.13.1
Steel: AUS 8. Rc 57-59
Blade Length: 2.5"
O.A.L.: 5.75" COCOBOLO - Blade Thickness: .080'
Weight: 1.5oz
Action: Al Mar Front Lock
Mother of Pearl
I like the following:
Barren Grounds Parka
Product #: 2.12.1
Great products! Thanks for posting about them.
I really liked the pet bed because it looked to be really nice quality and I was looking for one for my friend's new puppy!
I forgot to include my e-mail, its doiknowu12345@comcast.net
I would love to win this. We are slowly trying to get enough sleepy bags for all 9 of us... well at least 7 since the too little boys (2 and 1 years old) could sleep with a brother. We only have 3 sleeping bags so far.
Anyways... I love that King Size Comforter. We use wood heat for the majority of the winter (meaning until we run out of wood).. and that looks comfy and warm.
I blogged the contest in my Monday Edition of Contests Galore
I think my favorite would be the DG-6. I would love to take that pack with me up hunting - Tom
I would have to say that my favorite item on their website is the Chef Knives. Since I LOVE cooking!Thanks for the opportunity, I love your website- GO USA!!!
Wow - everything looks great. I too could really use the knives b/c our knives stink and I have a hard time getting my husband to agree on spending a bunch of money on knives!! I would love to be able to slice through things like a pro-chef!!
Definitely the Chef Knives... I am a sucker for anything kitchen related. :) I just wish they came in a locking sheath for camping and hiking!
Love the pet beds! Very sweet! purposedrivenlife4you (at) gmail (dot) com
The sleeping bag would suit me just fine!
The Egel Nest
Thanks for the contest.
bradegel at comcast dot net
I like the booties. Those would really keep my feet warm around the house this winter!
I like the Arrow Two Shelter!
Mentioned you here: http://themommyrambles.blogspot.com/2007/09/if-youre-bored.html
Today was the first day of cold here in Texas, and lots of Wiggy's warm stuff looked really nice -especially the booties! I also like to have as many stainless steel water bottles as possible, because milk tastes best in stainless steel. :)
I would possibley purchase this item for my avid bow hunter. He needs a new folding saw for his hunting pack.
Folding Saw
Product #: 1.7.1
The stainless steel water bottle looks like a great item!
You have some really great products but I love the dog jacket! What a wonderful idea!
Thanks for the great giveaway! I hate my current sleeping bag and could really use another.
What a neat site. I love the idea of promoting America. As cheesey as it sounds I love the stainless steel water container. Have a blessed day.
thanks for directing me to the site. I like the doggie bed. Did I mention that I am a dork?
I love the Ultra Lite sleeping bag! We need a new sleeping bag as the kids are getting bigger and sharing is no longer a comfortable option :)
Thanks for the great giveaway!
littlebritchesboutique at gmail dot com
I love the Camp Stadium Chair and the Insulated Water Bottle Covers!
Lots of choices, but I'd have to go for this:
Ultra Light
Product #: 6.12.1
Color: Royal Blue
Size: Wide/Long
Stuff Size: 10" x 20"
Weight: 4.0 lbs.
Light, roomy, sweet!
I just love the dog jacket. Then my whimpy dog would be all cozy on walks. A matching rain bonnet and winter hat would help though. LOL...
OOh!! I like the ARROW ONE tent!! Sure do!!!! I'm in for sure, got to tell dh about this!
I found a lot of great products on Wiggy's. My favorite would be the Camp and Stadium Chair. I think my back would love that product!!!
Cool products..I like the gators and some of the gloves but I live where there is a lot of snow and cold...Toni
I'm a mom of a Boy Scout (almost an Eagle) and he would LOVE the Uma Thule sleeping bag. These products look really good.
Hard to narrow down to 1 fave--thought the engine cover was an awesome idea, but I don't own a plane. The king size comforter was my next choice. But my final favorite was the fishnet long underwear. Never heard of such a thing, but it sounds like a winner and is affordable. Sounds like Christmas for my snowboarder son.
Hard to narrow down to 1 fave--thought the engine cover was an awesome idea, but I don't own a plane. The king size comforter was my next choice. But my final favorite was the fishnet long underwear. Never heard of such a thing, but it sounds like a winner and is affordable. Sounds like Christmas for my snowboarder son.
hello - gotta love those pet beds. looks as if my dogs will be getting these beneath the christmas tree!!
The Super Light Sleeping bag. Not only is it rated at 0 but it's only 4lbs - WOW! It looks stylish too which is nice they've thought of everything...
Besides the sleeping bags, my favorite product is the folding saw. That would come in so handy when we go Christmas tree hunting! lol
My favorite product choice would be their pet beds too and it would have to be camo, of course, for our house full of boys.
Thanks for sharing the contest. I'll put it on my blog!
It's a hard choice. I liked their desert sleeping bags and the stainless steel water bottle (with carrying case), and oh their stadium chair. But then my boys, who may yet be in Scouts again, would love love love those knives!
Wow. I could get half my Christmas shopping done on that site! Although, if it were for myself, I'd have to say the 'camper one' sleeping bag.
Thanks for letting me know about this! I buy American every chance I get!!
my email is butrflygarden at gmail.com
Gotta go with the Extreme Arctic Mittens. I am a big skier, and my hands get cold. They look great. Thanks for alerting me to this blog. I love the idea of buying American, it is not always easy to do...I'll be back!
I'm lovin' that purple SuperLight Bag! But the boots look great too.
My husband bought a Wiggy Bag about 6 years ago, and it is the.warmest.thing.ever. I'd love to win one!
the ultra sleeping bag...woohoo...we love camping but i really love to put the sleeping bag on beds in cabins in the woods...not quite as adventurous as rest of my fam...thanks for doing this
I like the Super Light sleeping bag because it's lighter for backpacking, yet has the 0 degree rating. That Nomad knife came in a close second, though. Did you know they import their shelters from Australia?
I really like the super light sleeping bag---it would be great for camping where I live. Thanks!
I love the purple sleeping bag, but would probably choose black. My boys wouldn't appreciate the purple. Thanks for the offer!
Great contest! And a great site...
Favorite product - SWAT Jacket - looks ultra-heavy-duty.
My address: phmerrill at gmail dot com.
I like the Arctic 2 tent!
Yes, Libbey Glass is made in the US, but they are beginning to outsource a lot of product from China, Mexico and Europe.
What a fun give-away! I look forward to reading more of your blog!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I liked the Artic bib and parka(2 seperate items)but when put together looks like you would be warm as toast in them. Im going to have hubby check it out as he works outside alot.
I was drooling for the Antarctic Parka....living in Alaska, I have come to appreciate serious cold weather gear :)
sweeet! those look like awesome snug sleeping bags! perfect for primitive camping! i hope i win!!
thanks for stoppy by to tell me about it!
Thanks for coming by my blog. I like the Havana Clipper knife, my husband love shis cigars and his knives, so it's the perfect knife for him.
FYI please check out wendell august site for made in america metal forgings they make some fantastic things. love this site. be sure to check it out www.wendellaugust.com
Thanks for stopping by my site. I would love the chef knives. Please count me in on the contest. I will link to my sidebar.
I like the stainless steel water bottles & oval pet bed! Very cool items and lots of neat stuff there.
Those Chef Knives look awesome! I could do some major slicing & dicing with those!
I love the Camper Two sleeping bag- I live in Utah where temps can start out nice and drop fast, so having a sleeping bag like this would be very handy. I also like the Nomad knife (particularly the black non- glare finish) and Laminite boots.
Forgot to leave my email:
Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving the information on the US made products. I live in Canada and prefer to buy products made in the US or Canada.
I went over to Wiggly's and love those Back Pack Boots and they are on sale for 25% off. Great bargain for men's boots.
Thanks again for stopping by my blog.
That comforter looks awfully cozy and comfy!
I like the Arrow 2 tent!
(Also, the pet beds are awesome!)
Awesome web site. I have it bloglined now!
I'm so "into" my puppies these days, so I guess my interest lies in those comfy looking doggie beds. Thanks for offering the give away!
Blogline is like Google Reader. It's a bookmarker that automatically tells you when your favorite sites are updated so you don't have to visit them all individually.
I like the Mukluks. I've never owned a pair.
Great items, hard to choose I really like these sleeping bags!!:) thanks for doing the give aways in the USA!!
Great blog! Keep up the great work!
I like the Baby Bunting sleeping bag.
I have blogged about your giveaway at:
I can't get their site to load, every link I click disappears. Bummer, but I know I would want the sleeping bag anyway because I need something super warm when we camp, it is always way too cold for me!
I like the nice comforter! It looks super warm!
What an interesting site that is. I like the Summertime bag!
I live in Utah and can get cold in the winter in the La Sal mountains, where I need a better sleeping bag. I research all my purchases thoroughly on the web, and it looks the Superlight Flexible Sleeping System is the best product out there, although relatively unknown compared to all the name brands. I've read many reports of campers and hunters who've had this bag over 7 years and it still retains its loft and warmth--rare for synthetics. And reports of guys who've accidentally gotten theirs wet, and still slept comfortably in subfreezing weather.
My cousin is a SEAL, who use this bag. If it works for him and the Alaskan National Guard, I think it'll work for me. And glad it's not made in China. Read a report recently about a European-made helicopter used by our Army that can't take the heat (cabin overheating, causing control systems to fail). Why the hell is our military procuring a European chopper? We need to pump up the Euro even more?
Hack Slanderson -- travis12@citlink.net
I like the Super light in the long wide size, because I'm a 'big' girl and most sleeping bags don't fit.
I like the L-6 Insulated Pullover.
My email is ray93 at comcast.net
I love the Ultima Thule can't wait to go -20!
i think the zippo blue is really awesome , that looks like the way to go . timag@iowatelecom.net
Looking at all the Wiggy's gear makes me want to go camping. The boot liners look really warm and the new lightstick is pretty cool too. I actually bring a ton of blankets when I go camping and a bunch of pine pitch for fires.
Loving the Lamilite Boots!
The SERE Operator knife is impressive!
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