They use the finest materials (including duck canvas and cordura nylon) and their bags are well known for their durability. They manufacture all of their bags in Massachusetts and each bag is 100% guaranteed.

To enter, just go visit Bags for Sports and take a look around. Pick out your favorite product and then come back here to leave a comment listing that favorite. One entry per person and you must have a US shipping address. I'll draw a winner on Sunday evening, June 1. Thanks!!
*Today also marks the grand opening of Homeplace America - check it out!
Hey Patriot,
Just checking in, I don't need a new bag (you know I am a minimalist) but I did need to say hi to you and tell you again how much I appreciate the time you take on your site and to promote American-made products. You rock!
The Park Wife
I love the football bag or the cheerleader( square not roll) bag!
I love the youth hockey bag. With 2 boys in mini-mites hockey I can really appreciate the value of a quality gear bag.
I would love the baseball bag for my son.
Pick me please!
Happy Memorial Day! I think this is a fantastic giveaway drawing. My husband and two teenage sons love sports bags!!!!! My favorite on the site are the "Baseball Personal
Equipment Bag" and the Baseball Bat
Carrying Bag!" The one you have for the drawing is a great one,also. Please enter me in your drawing. I appreciate it.....Cindi
I like the football bag.
My favorite is the Football bag. These bags are great! Seems like with boys and their sports, you always need a sport bag for this or that. Thanks for this great giveaway.
We need the soccer bag. Thanks for the chance.
I liked the Custom Football Canvas & Cordura Nylon Bags
I'm having trouble posting - I hope this doesn't show up more than once - anyway, I would choose a basketball themed bag. Great idea having a site for Made in America products! I love it!
My granddaughter could use the baseball bag.
Cheerleader bag - camp roll
I would like a large sports bag for aerobics
the baseball bag
My fav is the soccer bag because my daughter has been in soccer for a few years.
Thank you for the great giveaway!
The baseball bag is great!
The cheerleading square bag is cute!
Our family is into baseball so the Baseball Player Bag.
Baseball Personal Equipment Bag is my favorite! My son could really use it.
I love the cheerleading player/camp roll. Thanks for the great contest!
My son recently joined his first every organized sport (baseball) so I really love the Baseball Player Bag w/End Pockets. Great giveaway.
Love the fact that these are US products, and I am especially fond of the Swim/Dive Water Polo Bags
I love the basketball bags!!!!
Baseball bags are great!
i like the Custom Football Canvas ,but the usa is the best
the football bag is my favorate
Great gym bags.
I would love to get the baseball bag for my future star MLB second baseman,
i like the cheerleading bag..although im not a cheerleader..=p thaT camp player square bag.
I like the Hockey bag. Both son and husband play.
I love the larger football bag. My son (The only boy with five sisters) is starting football this year at age 13. He would LOVE to have a bag to carry all his gear and keep things sorted for the next few years of his career. Great bags for him!
Order # FBP-2. My son age 12 plays multi-sports. Coming off of Basketball & Track he is now entering into Pop Warner Football again. They were Mid-Florida Champs last season. This would be a great gift to keep his stuff together in. God Bless America.
Thank-you for selling USA made products. You can contact me balls32789@yahoo.com
My pick would be the soccer bag for my grandaughter.
The player/camp square bag under the cheerleading section looks versatile, great stuff!
swim/dive water polo bags
Player / Camp Square
#SGB-24-LOVE this...perfect for my wonderful daughter. THANKS
I like the custom basketball bags, Alright Mass!
My favorite is the Basketball Player Duffle, I would give it to my son. Thanks for showing products that are American made!
plug me in for the field hockey bag
The custom swimming bag is my pick.
Player/Camp Square
the baseball bag
Ilike the swimming bag ,I do alot of swimming
A Custom Swimming Bag is my choice.
The Baseball Equipment bag for sure! Our son is just starting T-ball, but I see years of sports "stuff" in our future!
We like the Hockey Goalie bag!
I blogged you on Prize-A-Tron too!
I love the baseball bag.
It's so hard to make a choice:)
I do love the football canvas bag
I like the swim with wet pocket bag.
football bag
I love the cheerleading Player/ Camp roll bag.
What a great giveaway. I love the custom swim/Dive bag, with 2 swimmers we can definitely use this for swim meets. Fingers crossed I win.
ann dot guns at mac dot com
Hey Patriot, you have a fantastic site...bookmarked! I love the hockey bag because it's so friggin' huge! We need a big duffle for cartin' around baby stuff when we travel. I love the USA logo.
I'm a swimmer, and I'd prefer a swimming backpack, but they only have the duffle style.
I like the square cheerleader bag, thanks so much for the opportunity.
All of the bags are great but my favorite is the Hockey Player Bag. Thank you for the contest!
great bag favorit is sports bags
I would like the Cheerleader camp roll bag. Thanks!
Being a sports mom with a son who plays baseball, I would love to get him the personal baseball bag. Thanks for promoting American made! In these days it is very important!
Th football bag would be grat. Yahoo, it's made in America!!!
I like the swimming bag with the wet pocket the best! Perfect for a day at the pool with my 3 kids
this is all new I have an 11 year old Son just getting into the sport and music sceen so I do not know which is best any ideas for the many uses bag and We live close to Lake Michigan so use it for that also?
the field hockey bag is perfect..
3beez at bellsouth dot net
I like the swim bag and so would my child. He says he looks like a "newbie" carrying the bag he does.
This would make him look pro!
Coach Square Custom Hockey Bag is my favorite, thanks for the contest
American made!! I like the Basketball Player Round
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
My pick would have to be the Swim/Dive Water Polo Bag because the kids are in and around the water all the time either with sports or fun time out on the boat.
The Baseball Personal Equipment Bag would fit my bats perfectly.
I like the player camp square for soccer, my son plays soccer!
I could sure go for the soccer roll bag, these are great!
I liked the football bags best.
I like the custom cheerleading bag.
The water polo bag is my favorite - thank you for the contest
Custom Swim/Dive Water Polo Bags! Cool!!
The customized baseball bags are simply da bomb!
Please count us in. I like the football bag.
Would love the swim bag. Please enter me, thank you
I like the custom football canvas & cordura nylon bags. Was sorry to see that you don't have a Tennis bag, but guess bags are big enough for tennis racquets to fit? Anyways, great bags!
my daughter is going to cross country camp 800 miles from home so I bought her a nice suitcase. I was told she wants to take her backpack instead that will not hold enough of her stuff since she has to take 3 pair of shoes. I would like to win this bag for her it would be perfect. She also plays soccer.
If I had extra money I would choose soccer Custom Bags the Player / Camp Square or the Custom Swim/Dive Water Polo Bags.
I would order the bags with the end pockets for shoes.
Thank you...
I like the camp roll. I'd love to see something for weight lifting.
I really like the baseball bat carrying bag. It would be great for carrying all my bats (baseball bats, not the bats that fly).
I like the swim bag with the wet pocket
The swim bag is nice cause you know it can get wet with no damage and it hs a protective pocket!
I like the Basketball Large Player bag.
They are all nice bags but I like the football bag the best.
I like the Swim/Dive/Water Polo bag because it has a wet side and a dry side. I can save on ziploc bags and keep my stuff dry.
the soccer bag my kids love soccer soooooooooooooooooooo much :0
My kids would like the basketball or baseball bag. We come from a small town and these are the only sports offered here. The boys are already playing baseball, but there is such town pride with basketball that they would like these also
I love the Basketball Player Duffle bag. My dad could really use it. He may not play sports, but he referees basketball games and the Basketball Player Duffle bag would be the perfect size bag for him. This is a great giveaway and I really hope I win. Thanks.
I have a little one starting little league. Would be great for him
I really like the Hockey Player Bag -- thanks so much for promoting made in the USA -- thanks also for the chance to win these great products.
Thanks for showing me a great new site!!!! I really like the baseball bat carrying bag. My nephew lives, eats, and breathes baseball and i would love to gift him with this!!!
Player / Camp Square or the baseball bag.
The soccer bag is cool and I like the USA bag a lot! Thanks for the giveaway!!
i like the cheerleading bag.
I really like the Player/Camp Square!
I like the Player / Camp Square soccer bag!
the basketball bag for my son,
great giveaway!
the basketball bag for my son,
great giveaway!
Cheerleading bag
the soccer bag would be great!
My favorite is the Hockey Player Bag. garrettsambo@aol.com
Baseball Personal Equipment Bag
Any football bag is what I like.
I'd really like the Youth Hockey Player Bag for the son. Thank you so much for the giveaway!
Keep up the good work. I am trying to buy U.S. made products. My kids are competive swimmers and we really need a good nylon swim bag.
Great items! I love the Baseball Player Bag w/ End Pockets! My boys would love it, too!
I love the Swim/Dive Water Polo Bag. This is a great idea for a giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!
I like the large Lacrosse bags
Love the Bag!
Love the swimmer/cheerleader rectangle bag; Many thanks SW
Baseball Player Bag w/ End Pockets
I would like the cheerleader Player / Camp Square.
I love the Large Player Lacrosse Bag!
Hi! We share your respect for freedom! Our son has sacrificed a lot in order for us to stand up for his future freedom. He would love the Baseball Personal Equipment Bag #BB1! margaret@hfjohngroup.com
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